Qualification & Contact

After studying mechanical engineering at the RWTH Aachen (diploma 1993), I studied law at the University of Münster. In 1998 I passed the first state examination in law with distinction. In 1999 and 2000 I completed my legal clerkship. I worked for three months each in a patent law firm, in a large national law firm and in a law firm in Toronto, Canada. At the beginning of 2001 I passed my second state examination in law. I have been admitted to the bar since April 2001. In 2015 I completed my dissertation in law.

You can reach me here:

Rechtsanwalt Dr. Kurt Fuchs
Düppelstraße 13
50679 Köln
Telefon: 0221/39982-10
Fax: 0221/39982-20
E-mail: kurt.fuchs@recht-und-technik.com

Rechtsanwat Kurt

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